When I go out into the back garden after work, it’s a good time to let Lexi roam back there for a bit. We’re concerned that she’ll discover and widen a rabbit gap, and make her great escape. So she doesn’t get unmonitored play time in the back yard. I suppose I should do something about that one of these days. Not today, but maybe in the fall. Meantime, the garden is becoming productive. Frankly, those potatoes look yummy. Red potatoes have always been more visually appealing, but fresh out of the ground is a world of difference compared to the dirty brown/reddish color of the store-bought ones. Count me as super-pleased on this experiment.
Today: the second day of June weather. Previously, we’d been “enjoying” late July weather, with overnight lows in the mid-80’s. For this week, we’re barely breaking into those temps for highs! And better yet, this is supposed to last for the week. If only we’d get a couple of good soaking rains.
Tonight: Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus: I sure know how to party, eh?