Hey! We just got 6/100″ of rain! It’s been bloody dry around here – the only green grass is near the flower and garden beds.
Isn’t that a nice-looking bowl of potatoes? I sliced up one of those, a zucchini, some garlic, and a pepper out of the garden, sautéed all of that in olive oil, and called it supper. Yum! I also have already roasted a pound of some Kenyan coffee beans this evening. The roaster lives in a vent hood I built that exhausts out the basement window. The exhaust is mobile; It doesn’t stay in the window.

Now, on with the schoolwork. Ciao!
2 responses to “More bonanza from the back yard”
All of that zucchini was well-received at work. I used all of the potatoes tonight (6/29) along with other stuff from the garden to make up a batch of meals (14, to be precise).
I need one of those coffee setups. That’s right spiffy.