More Zoë

Zoë Keating, last night. Two items of interest: First, Wil Wheaton introduced me to Zoë’s music with this blog post. Second, listen to Zoë talk about her music and play in Musicians@Google: WNYC’s Radiolab + Zoë Keating. In the latter, Zoë describes how the version of each composition gets selected for an album, and how that relates to what gets played live. When she loops and layers music so intricately, there are infinite variations for every work. I could recognize the bones of nearly every piece she played last night, but deeply appreciated the nuance and freshness of each piece. I’m so, so happy she added Annapolis to her tour, and I can but hope she returns to our area someday soon.


2 responses to “More Zoë”

  1. testbrian Avatar

    So, comments are enabled for registered users, and I’ve opened registration for the time being. Please don’t abuse comments too much. Thanks!

  2. thompson Avatar
