Not insane after all

At least, I’m not insane for any of the usual reasons. A few times over the last couple of weeks, my Linux system here would be dark. When I got home from work … when I woke up in the morning. That’s not normal, because as the home storage, DNS, and mail server, off is a bad state to be in. I figured it was the system, though, and was waiting for some logged evidence of the sub-system I need to replace.

Last night, I left the Windows box running, too, mostly out of laziness. This morning, both systems were dark. Ah-HA! It’s the APC. This is a Back-UPS XS 1500, and manages power for the monitor and two systems. Time for a replacement.

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I’ve had one negative review of me going to WordPress, and not even addressed to me, but on another site altogether. I suppose that I could maintain these in parallel, by posting in one place, then pasting in another. Do enough people feel strongly enough that I should add that work back into my schedule? Drop me a line and let me know. This change was for me, because it makes life easy, easy, easy. This is triple-true (that’s easy*9) of pictures, which I plan to do more of, but not if I have to also cross-post them into the static site.

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On tap for today:

  • Feed and water the front flowers
  • New UPS
  • Roast coffee
  • Cleaning up further in basement
  • Keep an eye on work email – big project going on
  • Get another project ahead in classes

I think that’s enough to occupy my day.