What Happened to January?

Yeah, I know what happened. Surgery, school, work, life. Funny thing, that. I have lots of stuff I’d like to work on, and comment on, but I have no time, so I don’t, and I don’t. Marcia’s doing really well, though. Tonight is the last of the rat poison, and tomorrow is the last day for the by-now-truly-hated compression hose. I’m not personally a huge fan either, because I assist in the changing thereof, and wash each pair once a day, to keep them in rotation. But I’m still glad I haven’t had to wear them. Also, with the Coumadin out of the regimen, no more twice-a-week blood tests. So we’ve got that going for us…

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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

  • Cpl. Christopher G. Singer, 23, of Temecula, California, died Jan. 21 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
  • Capt. Joshua C. Pairsh, 29, of Equality, Illinois, died Jan. 22 in the United States of a non-combat related illness.
  • 1st Lt. David A. Johnson, 24, of Horicon, Wisconsin, died Jan. 25, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered after encountering an improvised explosive device while conducting a dismounted patrol.