The old furnace was a wee bit crufty, and I really don’t like supplemental condensate pumps – they’re prone to failure, which makes a basement prone to water damage. But worst, we had a corroded burner in the old Janitrol, and not a replacement to be found – they don’t make them anymore. Now, thanks to A. P. Mathews, we have something new to heat the basement:

The new Trane – well, for starters it’s 21 years younger. It’s more fuel efficient, and moves more air, too. Two other big wins. We got rid of the condensate pump, and are using gravity to get to a sump access point. We also got rid of the effectively non-functional electrostatic air cleaner, and now have a HEPA filter in that inlet tunnel to the bottom left.
I’ve had A. P. Mathews under contract for the last 10 years, caring for our furnaces and AC units here at the house, they’re good, smart folks. Strongly Recommended!