In my introduction conference entry for my CMIS class, I said I hate school group projects. At work it’s fine, people are motivated and interested – the mission gets accomplished. My dislike continues to be fueled by the current group project I’m participating in. I posted up template documents, did my part quickly, completely, and early to provide exemplar material to make it easy for my teammates to follow the template … and we needed everyone to the the first part done by last night. Of the other three folks, only one had anything done. Me == Sad.
I’ve finished my Geology course – that’s the last of the General Education Requirements retired. All that’s left is upper division electives – the one that I’ve got three weeks left in now, two in the Summer session, and two in the Fall. Huzzah!
So sorry for the delay in this post – my life is pretty bloody full right now, and daylight savings time sent me for a loop. Feeble excuses at best, but I’m here now…
* * *
Our condolences to the family, friends, and compatriots of Specialist Acosta
- Spc. Edward J. Acosta, 21, of Hesperia, Calif., died March 5, in La Jolla, Calif., of injuries sustained Dec. 3, 2011, when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device in Wardak province, Afghanistan.
One response to “Argh III”
Interesting dynamic in your situation.
When I was in grad school, I observed what appears to be a different state of affairs. I found my classmates were focused on graduating and therefore focused on working together to get a good grade and complete projects.
At work, another agenda may intervene. For example, although everyone ultimately works for the person at the top of the organizational pyramid, each employee’s main concern is complying with her specific supervisor who does that employee’s annual performance review. If the supervisor is against the objectives of the, presumably ad hoc committee, or better/worse yet part of the committee, the group may find a difficult task ahead of itself.
Indeed, it appears the larger the committee, the higher the probability of other agendas causing failures in meeting objectives.
In any case, good luck. You are almost done!