Dangerous Sandy

A bit of light drizzle, some breezes, and a second day under cloud cover. That’s what has happened so far. But Sandy approaches. The patio furniture is stowed in back, the hanging baskets and flag removed from the front, and the generator is tested and ready. I gave Marcia a walk-through on starting it up today, and she feels content with that.

At this beginning of things, our rain gauge stands at 2.96 inches, as of 1700 EDT.

School countdown: 7 weeks left.

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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

  • Chief Warrant Officer Michael S. Duskin, 42, of Orange Park, Florida, died Oct. 23, in Chak District, Wardak Province, Afghanistan, from small arms fire while on dismounted patrol during combat operations.
  • Staff Sgt.  Kashif  M. Memon, 31, of Houston, Texas, died of wounds suffered Oct. 25 when his unit was attacked by small arms fire in Khas Uruzgan, Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan.
  • Sgt. Clinton K. Ruiz, 22, of Murrieta, California, died of wounds suffered Oct. 25 when his unit was attacked by small arms fire in Khas Uruzgan, Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan.