Spring games

Friday night surrounded by wind and rain, we played Scrabble. Turns out that there is a body part you can use to not just win, but dominate in this game:

Winning at Scrabble takes balls.
Winning at Scrabble takes ______.

Fertilized and rained on, the lawns demand an aggressive mowing schedule. The good news is that following Friday’s storms, the temps were down significantly, making the yardwork a lot less sweaty. I also made progress on the cabinet building in the woodshop, fabricating the perforated screen door for the computer cabinet.

This metal screen cabinet door will aid in ventilation for the computers that will live in this cabinet.
Metal screen cabinet door

All of the components for the lower cabinet are now done. I need to build a couple of intermediate shelves for the upper, and three more doors. Then I can sand and finish that, taking another week or two. Next up, the cherry and maple desk.

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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

Chief Warrant Officer Matthew P. Ruffner, 34, of Tafford, Pennsylvania, died April 9, in Pachir Wa Agam District, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.

Chief Warrant Officer Jarett M. Yoder, 26, of Mohnton, Pennsylvania, died April 9, in Pachir Wa Agam District, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.