I celebrated Dependence Day (‘All the freedom the NSA will allow’) by doing house cleaning, working in the woodshop, and slow-cooking a pork loin roast on low in the grill, with some applewood chips. Overall, we had a good four-day holiday weekend, mostly indoors since the temps and humidity were in the mid to high 90’s.
Sadly, though, I suffered from a brain cramp when I was setting up the hinges for the cabinet door this morning. The door is nearly square. I laid out the drilling centers, did all the work on the drill press, mounted the hinges, and went to seat them on the face frame. Horrors, I was out by 90 degrees. So I re-drilled on the correct side, and filled the wrong cups with plugs:

After the glue was set, I filled the remaining gaps with a sandable putty. It’s set aside to cure overnight. Tomorrow, I can sand, drill the last screw hole, mount the door onto the face frame, and mark/drill for the pull. That’s the last of the hardware pre-fitting. THEN I can take everything apart again, final sand, and start applying finishes. A week or two of that, then the only remaining piece is the countertop, which should go quickly.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
- Spc. Hilda I. Clayton, 22, of Augusta, Georgia, died July 2, in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, of a non-combat related incident that occurred in Qaraghahi, Afghanistan.
- 1st Sgt. Tracy L. Stapley, 44, of Clearfield, Utah, died July 3, at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, in a non-combat related incident.
- Pvt. Errol D.A. Milliard, 18, of Birmingham, Alabama, died July 4 in Farah province, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with a rocket propelled grenade while on dismounted patrol.