Capclave 2014 is a wrap. I was not involved. I was just an attendee who had a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time. It’s not nearly as much work to attend as to be celebrated, though…

At the Capclave 2014 GoH Signing Table last night Genevieve Valentine, Paolo Bacigalupi, and Holly Black. These folks (along with many others) worked hard at this literary Science Fiction and Fantasy convention. I commented to Paolo last night that clearly, being Guest of Honor at a con is a lot harder than previously assumed. I wondered aloud if it was much like a goose being the Guest of Honor at a Christmas Dinner? I got a fair laugh out of that one.
But these folks, along with about 75 other program participants and the talented hardworking team from WSFA that put on the con, worked hard on panels, in workshops, and in the hallways, putting on a good show for the fans and current/aspiring writers who attend this show. I attended the following panels, readings, etc:
- “Holy Shuftik!” he cried. (partial)
- The League of Substitute Heroes and the Inferior Five (partial)
- Dealers Room (spending money)
- Fast Forward TV interviews GoH Paolo Bacigalupi
- The 2013/14 and 2014/15 TV Seasons
- Don’t Go There. Unless You Really Want To.
- The Charms of Dystopia
- Interview with GoH Genevieve Valentine
- DC in 17 Worldcon Bid
- Reading (Genevieve Valentine)
- Best Short Fiction of 2014
- Author Table / Dealers Room (spending money)
- I Hate His/Her Politics But I Love His/Her Books
- Creating Religions for your Secondary World Fantasy
- Mass Signing
- Awards Presentation and GoH Gifts
- Beyond Sword, Spear, and Shield: Exotic Weapons for Fantasy
- Astronomy Through the Ages
- Bookstores: RIP or Not Dead Yet?
- Why So Many YA Dystopias?
- Even Hard SF Uses FTL
Finally, with two sessions left in today, I ran fully out of steam. But as you see, I sat in on a lot of interesting material in two and a half days. I came home each night, and didn’t stay for the late night parties and filking – I don’t have all of the energy I once had… But I did come away with some wonderful memories of a great small con, I met a great number of smart, eloquent people, and I have a nice, shiny stack of reading material. WIN!* * *DoD has reported no new casualties in the last 7 days.