Yard, Themes

This weekend, I was working in the yard. The garden beds, they are ready for plants:

Garden Bed Prep - 2015
Garden Bed Prep – 2015

That, along with mowing the lawns, twice, and cleaning out all of the front flower beds, took up most of Friday and Saturday. Sunday was rest (or its best friend, immobility).

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Theme update: The theme, it is currently a bit hideous, but now mobile friendly, due to changes in how Google search results will be ranked. Here’s a useful link on the topic from Digital Trends. Expect more work on this over the coming days.

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Tech. Sgt. Anthony E. Salazar, 40, of Hermosa Beach, California, died April 13, at an air base in southwest Asia in a non-combat related incident. Our condolences to his friends and family.


4 responses to “Yard, Themes”

  1. Rick H Avatar
    Rick H

    I see you are using the TwentyFifteen theme. I do a lot of WP sites, and tried that one several times, just couldn’t bend it to my will.

    My latest favorite theme is “Mantra”. It has a lot of customization options, although I have further tweaked it by using it as a child theme and adding additional CSS (although you can add CSS on one of the Mantra options pages). I used a child theme because I needed to change some back-end code, and didn’t want to have problems with theme updates killing my changes.

    I use Mantra on Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor site, plus some others . Big advantage is the easy customization, and it is fully responsive, so passes the Google responsive test.

    Just a thought as you are playing with your new design.

    1. bilborg Avatar

      Yep, I’ll poke at that, too. I just decided it was time for a change anyway, given the impetus. Thanks for the input.

  2. bilborg Avatar

    testing a new comment

  3. bilborg Avatar

    Well, I’ve broken wordpress. I’ll fix it when I get a chance, but no new posts until that happens.