Well. Dark-ish, sort of. Metaphorically. We still had electricity. But no phone, no Internet (well, except the cell phones), no TV. Our FiOS connection went down on Friday, and stayed down until a tech got here today and replaced some of the equipment. I used the enforced ludditic interlude to do some work in the woodshop, including sanding and finishing:

Sanding and some finish applied on Friday (when it rained). More finish applied with intermediate sanding on Saturday (when it rained), and final assembly today (when it didn’t rain, but I was waiting for a FiOS tech). The final product is a new side table for the living room that lives between the sofa and the easy chair:

Most of the evenings on Friday and Saturday was spent comforting the mutt against the trials and tribulations of many booms from all directions (fireworks of variable legal status).
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Our condolences to the family and friends of Senior Chief Petty Officer Jason P. May, 38, of Chesterfield, Michigan, who died on June 29, on board USS Essex (LHD 2), of non-combat related causes while the ship was at sea.