A long week, and not much in the way of exercise, either. I only got one proper day of exercise in, on Tuesday. The rest of the days were too busy, too hot, or both. But there was some good news:

Yup, first salsa! Huzzah! Still no jalapeños, so here’s the ingredients:
- 2/3 of a bowl (that bowl, pre-chopping) of roma and sweet cherry tomatoes, chopped fine.
- 1 yellow onion, finely diced.
- 1 clove garlic, crushed and minced.
- 1 immature red habañero.
- 3 immature serrano peppers (to taste, natch).
- cilantro to taste (a couple of tablespoons is my sweet spot).
- 1 teaspoon cumin.
- 1 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes.
- A couple of grinds of sea salt.
- A few grinds of black pepper.
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder.
That made a mighty fine salsa!
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Of note, I went to a CALUG meeting on Wednesday, where Berend Tober spoke on his PostgreSQL-based trading game, Fairwinds. Interesting stuff, because I know less about PostgreSQL than several of the other database systems extant. Now I know a tiny bit more, thanks to Mr. Tober.
Friday I took the day off work, so that I could do chores, wash the car, etc.
Today I spent mostly doing remote work, with a long break in the middle. New production deployments require non-business hour work – that’s how the game is played, and it’s a joy to finally get some of these systems into production after long preparation and testing.
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DoD announced no new casualties in the last week, for which we’re grateful. Ciao!