28 Oct 2016

A Marcia update:

On Wednesday morning, she had her right hip replaced. The surgeon said that things went well, and that the right hip was not as far gone as the left hip had been, but that it was past time for the surgery anyway.  She was up in her room on the fifth floor of the hospital by a bit past noon.

On Wednesday afternoon, she managed 80-100 steps with a walker around the Joint Center floor.

On Thursday morning, she aced her physical therapy (PT) – breezing through all of the exercises, then accomplishing the release goals: steps, curb, and car transfer (getting in and out of a mock car). After release from the hospital around 11 AM, we had her home by noon.

Thursday afternoon: rest and a bit of PT downstairs. Slept in the recliner overnight. Pain meds at 4 hour intervals.

Friday morning: Breakfast, then up the stairs for a shower. PT (some upstairs, some back downstairs). Lunch. Naptime. Pain meds at 6 hour intervals.

Her first formal PT isn’t until Monday due to scheduling issues, by which time she may have already kicked the walker to the curb (I’m only half-joking, there).

That’s all the news.