11 November 2021

Veteran’s Day

Today we take a break in our busy lives to give thought and honor to those who have served in our country’s military. Thank you all! I’m long enough in the tooth to have known members of our family who served in both World Wars, in Korea, in Vietnam, and on military and humanitarian missions around the world. We will remember your service and your sacrifices on behalf of our country.

Missing Lexi (in context)

Yes, we’re missing Lexi quite a lot. Thank y’all for the kind comments. We were really hoping she’d be here with us for this otherwise exciting (and tiring) time… two days after we said good bye to Lexi, we got in the car and the truck, and drove north.

Maine Bound

A busy week:

  • On that Thursday, we drove up (here) to Maine.
  • On the Friday, we closed on our new house, and we unloaded stuff from both vehicles.
  • On Saturday, I drove the F-150 back to Maryland
  • On Sunday, I did the final bits of packing and prepared for…
  • Monday, November 1, 18 years to the day after the moving van rolled in, the moving van rolled out, with all of our stuff.
  • Tuesday was the last long drive for a while, another 10 hours back up to Maine.
  • Wednesday was a day of unloading the pickup again, and preparing for…
  • Thursday, when the moving van arrived here, and they unloaded all our stuff.

Since then, it’s been a whirlwind of setting up, unpacking what’s needed, and trying to avoid buying things that we KNOW are still in a box somewhere and just need to be found. The main floor, which encompasses two bedrooms, one bath, a foyer/office, and the “great room” which is kitchen, dining and living rooms all together, is mostly in place. I had my home office mostly functional by Monday morning, which is when I continued to work, only more remotely than before.

The house is compatible with one-floor living, for the time when that is needed for us. Everything important is on the main level of the house, from two car garage, through the rest of the rooms described above. The house is laid out like a Pennsylvania bank barn, build into a slope, with the driveway, and main level of the house all on one level. The basement is a full walkout with two sliding doors out the back, and the second, BIGGER garage leading out level-ish on the down slope.

All the hobbies and stuff that requires people who can do stairs will be in the basement. When we can’t get there any more, we won’t need those hobbies anymore, either. Grin.

And now you know why I featured a picture of a dumpster a few weeks back – trash from the cleanup, stuff that we couldn’t donate or sell or use or even give away (very disappointing, really….)

Winding Down

Truth be told, we really wanted Lexi on this new adventure with us. I think she would have had fun up here. Once we’re settled, we’ll find another dog to rescue … but not this week.


One response to “11 November 2021”

  1. John Dominik Avatar
    John Dominik

    Congratulations! Now I hope you’re in a more temperate climate, as … Winter is coming. 🙂 Pro tip – the water softener “rock salt” at the local home improvement store in 50+ pound bags will cause any ice to crumble – and likely be much less pricey than the “official” ice melt. Once you do get a new pet, check out the pet-friendly ice melt options, as plain old rock salt has sharp edges and can burn dog’s feets. Enjoy!