17 October 2024

First Frost

Today was the first proper frost of Fall 2024. We had some spotty frosted areas on Monday, but this mornings temperature out on the deck was 28°F, and all the grass and fields were frosted white. This also means that all of the leaves on our trees, and the trees across the road that have been waiting for the “drop” signal, should do so in the next few days.

Two weeks ago I took two loads of leaves to the city compost site. On Sunday, I took a further six truck beds full – picture is the accumulated pile from Sunday before I started hauling off:

Pile of leaves staged in the driveway behind the collector/mower
Pile of leaves behind the collector/mower

Late last month, we got our annual two cords of firewood dropped in the back of the house. It took me 5 hours over a couple of days to get it all stacked into the lower garage:

Two cords of wood stacked into the lower garage

Nothing else to report right now. Back soon.