13 November 2024

Happy Friday the 13th

Yeah, so Friday the 13th falls on a Wednesday this month. That happens.

Automotive Safety

Every time I receive an email, or see an advertisement for a car touting the safety features, it makes me want to go out, buy an old Lamborghini, and drive like a hoon with four outstanding ASBOs.

We got a survey about Subarus recently. We really like our Outback, but the Driver Monitoring System (which can be temporarily disabled, but not permanently) drives me bonkers. I said as much, noting that it would probably keep me from buying another Subi…. but then I bet ALL the freaking cars watch the driver now, don’t they?


Nice raking sunlight just before sunset, our view to the south-east…

View south-east, sunlight on the ridge line.
View south-east, sunlight on the ridge line.


2 responses to “13 November 2024”

  1. John Dominik Avatar
    John Dominik

    My least-favorite feature of our Ford Explorer is the “Backup assistant” that begins a shrill beep as I’m watching in the mirrors and out the window – causing me to turn and look at the dash and find out yes, I’m still feet off the curb, calm down, would ya?

  2. Matt Harting Avatar
    Matt Harting

    You found a beautiful place to call home. I’m envious of those views you have on a regualr basis.