Author: bilborg

  • 3 Jan 2016

    Happy New Year, y’all!

    I’ve spent the last two weeks holidaying, eating, reading, relaxing, doing chores, and fixing things around the house. Tomorrow, I go back to work. Grumble.

    Not really grumble. I enjoy my work. I appreciate and respect the team of people I work with. Especially, I love to stay busy. I have specific goals for the next two weeks – a lot of stuff to accomplish and document in a relatively short amount of time, so I’ll be very busy indeed. That makes me happy.

    In the woodshop over the last few days, I’ve been working on building a quilt ladder for Marcia. Pictures in a week or two, as it approaches completion.

    That’s all I’ve got for now: I’m looking forward to this year.

    *      *      *

    DoD has reported no new casualties in the last week. Ciao!

  • 27 Dec 2015

    Another busy weekend gone by. I was doing some clean up in the shop, and came across a stack of 2×2 acoustic tile matching the small section of drop ceiling in the basement kitchen. Wonderful – I have a few of those that need replacing. A couple of them had holes in them, not hard to replace. Another one, though, was severely bowed by the HVAC vent attached to a floating, insulated feeder. The additional weight had bent the tile nearly an inch out of true. Were I to just replace it, the tile would be good for a year or so, but as the moisture in the house fluctuated over the seasons, it’d have bowed again. So I glued a plywood reinforcing bar to the back of the tile, and let it cure overnight.

    Reinforced ceiling tile
    Reinforced ceiling tile

    I installed that back in the kitchen today.

    Also today, I worked on (finally) patching the section of sheet rocked basement ceiling that I pulled out when we had the upstairs fridge water line leak., back in the middle of the summer. I first put the work off because the remaining rock had to dry out. Then I put it off because, well, I forgot about it. I so rarely go through into Marcia’s fabric room. So today I cleaned up and made the opening rectangular, and lapped in some half-inch ply to perform as a stop as well as something to screw the new rock to. Using offcuts from 2″ x 2″ x 1/2″ drywall (I don’t keep full sheets laying about), I patched the hole, and overlaid the gaps with mesh tape.

    Patching drywall
    Patching drywall

    I then applied the first coat of mud. More work on that project tomorrow. Remember – I’m not planning on being back in the office until 4 January.

      *      *      *

    The unseasonably warm weather has continued – I was walking the dog after dinner while wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and dock shoes. I could have been wearing shorts – it was still 65 F out at 1830 this evening. But according to the NOAA, we’ll be back to normal, below freezing overnight temps by the end of this week.

      *      *      *

    Our condolences to the families and friends of these fallen warriors. They died Dec. 21 of wounds suffered when their patrol was attacked by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle near Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.

    • Maj. Adrianna M. Vorderbruggen, 36, of Plymouth, Minnesota.
    • Staff Sgt. Michael A. Cinco, 28, of Mercedes, Texas.
    • Staff Sgt. Peter W. Taub, 30, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    • Staff Sgt.  Chester J. McBride, 30, of Statesboro, Georgia.
    • Technical Sgt. Joseph G. Lemm, 45, of Bronx, New York.
    • Staff Sgt. Louis M. Bonacasa, 31, of Coram, New York.


  • 26 Dec 2015

    Lexi likes her new friend, “Moo” :

    Lexi & Moo
    Lexi & Moo
  • 24 Dec 2015

    Happy Christmas eve, if that’s your thing. Today I’ve finished up, finally, the second plumbing job I started on the weekend. I was reconnecting the sink and trap in the foyer area in the basement. It’ll be handy for a variety of purposes, so that’s all good.

    In other news, I traded up in cars. After a few squirrelly episodes last winter, I found myself wishing for a four wheel drive car again. I still wanted “fun to drive”, but “massively fun to drive, yet safer” (say an Audi R10) is out of my reach. I’d also been mulling the “really fun to drive” option, with the M2 waiting in the wings for next year’s intro. Affordable, but … that’d be sub-optimal. It wouldn’t be driveable in the ice and snow, as a RWD-only car. What I ended up with is an M235i xDrive:

    The new ride
    The new ride

    I test drove it during a rainy period, and found it to be a much more stable platform in the corners in the wet than my RWD 328i. It’ll probably also be fun and quick in the dry, when that happens again. I don’t have performance tires on it, all season is much more prudent. This, I expect, is going to be a long, long term car.

  • 21 Dec 2015

    A day late, and a vacation dollar short. Yep, vacation. I’m “off work” for the next two weeks, which means that I only keep an eye on email, and respond if SMS messages flow my way. But for the purposes of day-to-day operations, I’m offline. Yay!

    *      *      *

    In other good news, no vomiting in more than a week, so I’ve got that going for me.

    *      *      *

    Please note that policy requires the new disclaimer in the footer of this site. So noted.

    *      *      *

    The weekend flew by with assorted home-maintenance chores. They were mostly plumbing, which is mostly done – I still need a short length of 1-1/2″ pvc pipe, which I thought I had on-hand, but I was mistaken. So I also checked on my PVC cement, which I did have a can of … but it’s not a liquid as such, anymore. So that’s on the home center list, too.

    I also managed to take some time to decommission some old data drives. For tin-foil-hat-reasons, I don’t just throw disks away or recycle them. I electronically wipe them, then destroy their ability to be read. Here’s the end result of one such session with 6 disks:

    Data destroyed
    Data destroyed

    *      *      *

    Today I got my sump pit monitoring system back online. For a variety of reasons, I broke it a couple of months ago, and neglected for a long while to get it back online. Today, that is remediated. The sump pit monitoring setup is well documented by Al Audet on his Raspi-Sump page, so I would be too redundant to repeat it all here. But his code works, so get it and use it. Yes, you’ll need a Raspberry Pi, and some assorted other stuff along with a bit of soldering or breadboarding skills, but that’s not hard to come by, and none of the stuff is so expensive that you can’t replace the bit you break. Better yet, it’s MASSIVELY less expensive in both time and money than what you’ll go through if your sump pit overflows. There are commercial monitors available. Ones that will also send you text messages are heinously expensive. Try Raspi-Sump, you’ll like it.

    Side-note – I was introduced to Raspi-Sump on the pages of Linux Journal.

    *      *      *

    DoD announced no new casualties in the most recent week. Ciao!

  • 15 Dec 2015

    Life is, by some definitions, a process of learning new things. The wonderful new thing I learned Sunday night is that my food-borne GI problems from the weekend before were not, in fact, caused by food from the new restaurant we tried that last Saturday evening. Instead, my homemade chili, that I’ve been eating from off and on over the last two weeks, was to blame. I can’t explain how whatever was in the chili only affected me really badly but twice… in hindsight, I had a couple of intermittently “bad days” in there that weren’t at the level of all-consuming, but I was feeling definitely off. Anyway, the tiny, tiny price I paid for this knowledge was another night of cramps and morning of vomiting. Oh, and the cost (built into my property taxes) of having the rest of the chili, some 10 or 12 servings, hauled off with the trash. I can’t explain how whatever was in the chili only affected me really badly but twice… in hindsight, I had a couple of intermittently “bad days” in there that weren’t at the level of all-consuming, but I was feeling definitely off. I got some sleep last night, ate reasonably well today, and expect to be sitting at my desk around 0700 tomorrow morning. Sorry for the cheery posts the last couple of weeks, but I expect that my troubles were hauled off by the trash truck this morning before 0800, and I won’t have to trouble you further about such things.

    I have nothing new to report about the interval between Sunday and now, except that I live on. Ciao!

  • 13 Dec 2015 – Wonderful

    It’s a Wonderful Life – staged as a 40’s radio play – was presented in properly wonderful fashion by the Annapolis Shakespeare Company for our amusement this afternoon. We decided to hit the matinee instead of an evening performance because, frankly, I’m still recovering a bit from last weekend’s fun. But I’m at 90%, and took great joy in ASC’s 110% performance this afternoon. George Bailey’s story is one that many people know from the marvelous 1946 movie with Jimmy Stewart. I loved this live production directed by Jay Brock, which featured Kevin Alan, Sally Boyett, Nick DePinto, Rob McQuay, and Teresa Spencer. This show brought fresh life to the story for me, along with the requisite laughter and some scenes where something must have gotten in my eyes… If you’re local, just follow the link at the front of this paragraph, buy tickets for the show before it ends in early January, and go!

    *      *      *

    I made it back to work on Wednesday, then overdid it with nearly a 12 hour day on Thursday, supporting other folks at a different site, over a long, painful, but ultimately successful day. I’ve got a long list, and a lot of focus needed, to get specific things done during the work week upcoming, before I take a couple of weeks off work. I’ll be local and available for problems and emergencies. But my goal is to whittle away much of my outstanding vacation time before I lose it to end-of-year accounting. Wish me luck.

    *      *      *

    DoD has announced no new casualties over the last week. Ciao!

  • 2015 Dec 6

    Sigh. Something I ate last night seriously disagreed with me. Up at 0100 with … okay, no details. But since noon today, I’ve had a few saltines, a couple of fruit cups, and two glasses of water. As the rest of me started feeling just that little bit better … the lack-of-caffeine headache kicked in. I’m not going to try to solve that until tomorrow morning (I’m taking tomorrow off).

    *      *      *

    DoD announced no new casualties in the last week. Ciao!

  • 2015 Nov 29

    LISA 15 Report

    The LISA 2015 conference was held this year at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park, off Connecticut Avenue in north east DC. It’s 15 miles from home, but the best driving time I had was Wednesday (Veteran’s Day) morning, which took half an hour, and the worst was a bit over 1.5 hours, coming home in weeknight traffic, in the rain. It’s a nice venue, though I’ve never stayed there, only attended events.

    Saturday, 11/7

    Saturday night was badge pickup and opening reception. I attended that mostly to do a handoff of the give-away items for the LOPSA general business meeting. Because I’m local, I volunteered to be a drop ship site for stuff that arrived over the course of the month leading up to LISA. That evening, I made contact with LOPSA’s President, Chris Kacoroski (‘Ski’), and we grabbed a couple of other willing bodies and emptied out my trunk, which was chock-full of Lego kits, books, booth collateral, etc. An hour or two of chatting with early-arriving attendees, then I headed back home to get an early bedtime – I was facing a long week.

    Sunday, 11/8

    Sunday was the first of three consecutive days of tutorials. In the morning, I attended a half-day session presented by Chris McEniry on the topic of Go for Sysadmins. Go was developed at Google, and released under an open source license in 2009. To my eye, it combines some of the best features of C, Python, and Java (but the FAQ says that Pascal has a strong influence – it’s been a long, long time). With larger data sets to work with each passing year, a faster and better language seems to be a useful tool for the continuously learning system administrator, and Go provides that sort of tool. Chris was an excellent presenter, and his examples and supporting code were pertinent and useful. Effective? Yep, I want to learn more about Go … in my copious spare time.

    Sunday afternoon was all about Software Testing for Sysadmin Programs, presented by someone I’ve known for a few years now, Adam Moskowitz. Adam is a pleasant bloke, and like everyone at LISA, smart as all get out. He makes the valid point that all of the tools that we encourage our programmers to use, from version control to testing and deployment automation, belong in our toolbox as well. And for UNIX-ish sysadmins, lots of stuff is written in shell. Adam developed a suite of tools based on Maven, Groovy, and Spock, and gave us a working configuration to test code with. Impressive and useful. Now all I have to do is do it!

    In the evening, I hung out for a bit for what’s called the “Hallway Track”, which is all of the non-programmed activities from games to BoF (Birds of a Feather) sessions, to conversations about employers, recruiting, tools, and users. Always fulfilling, the hallway track.

    Monday 11/9

    On Monday, I over-committed myself. Caskey L. Dickson was putting on a full-day tutorial on Operating System Internals for Administrators (a shortened version of the actual title). I attended the morning session of that, which was awesome. One would suspect that hardware is so fast that it just doesn’t matter so much anymore. But it turns out that such things as memory affinity in multi-socket, multi-core systems can have significant performance impacts if the load isn’t planned well. And while storage is getting faster, so are busses and networks. The bottlenecks keep moving around and we can’t count on knowing what to fix without proper metrics. Caskey presents an excellent tutorial, it’s actually in some senses a pre-requisite for  the Linux Performance Tuning tutorial that Ted Ts’o does (I’ve attended that in years past). I would have stuck around for the second half day of Internals, but…

    Instead, I attended a half-day tutorial  called systemd, the Next-Generation Linux System Manager. Presented by Alison Chaiken, I learned a lot about the latest generation of system manager software that’s taken over from the System V init scripts model that’s ruled for the last few decades. While change is always a PITA, and there are definitely people who vehemently dislike systemd, I find that (A) I have to use it in my work, so I should learn more; and (B) there are features that I really quite like. Alison knows a lot about the software and the subject, and helped me understand where I needed to fill in the gaps in my systemd education.

    Tuesday 11/10

    For me, Tuesday was all about Docker. Until not that long ago, I’d have been managing one service (or suite of services) on a given piece of hardware. Programs ran on the Operating System, which ran on the hardware, which sat in the rack in the data center, mostly idle but with bursts of activity. Always burning electricity, and needing cooling, a growing workload meant adding new racks, more cooling, more electric capacity. In the last decade, virtualization has taken the data center by storm. Where once a rack full of 2U servers (2U stands for the vertical space that the server takes up in the rack – most racks have 42 U {units} of space, and servers most commonly are 1, 2 or 4 U) sat mostly idling, we now have a single more powerful 2U or 4U server that runs software like VMware’s ESXi hypervisor, Microsoft’s Hyper-V, or Xen/KVM running on a Linux host. On “top” of those hypervisors, multiple Operating System installs are running, each providing their service(s) and at much higher density. Today’s high-end 2U server can provision as much compute capacity as a couple of racks worth of servers from 5-10 years ago. It’s awesome.

    But that’s so … yesterday. Today, the new hotness is containers, and Docker is the big player in containers right now. The premise is that running a whole copy of the OS just to run a service seems silly. Why not have a “container” that just has the software  and configurations needed to provide the service, and have multiple containers running on a single OS instance, physical or virtualized. The density of services provided can go up by a factor of 10 or more, using containers. It’s the new awesome!

    I don’t have to use Docker or containers in my current situation, but that day may come, and for once I’d like to be ahead of the curve. So in the morning, I attended Introduction to Docker and Containers, presented by Jerome Petazzoni, of Docker. Dude seriously knows his stuff. But I’ve never attended a half-day tutorial that had more than 250 slides before, and he got through more than 220 of them in the time at hand, while ALSO showing some quick demos. Amazingly, I wasn’t lost at the time. And I’ve got a copy so that I can go back through at my leisure. Containers launch quickly, just like Jerome’s tutorial. I think I learned a lot. But it’s still due for unpacking in my brain.

    In the afternoon, Jerome continued with Advanced Docker Concepts and Container Orchestration. Tools now regarded as stable (such as Swarm, which reached the 1.0 milestone a couple of weeks before the presentation) (grin) and Docker Compose were discussed and demonstrated to show how to manage scaling up and out. Another immense info dump, but I’m grateful I attended these tutorials. I think I learned a lot.

    In the evening, I hit up the Storage BoF put on by Cambridge Computers, and dropped into the Red Hat vendor BoF on the topic of Open Storage. A long day.

    Wednesday, 11/11

    Veteran’s Day dawned bright and sunny. Like each day of this week, I left the house at 0630. I was surprised, rolling into the parking garage at 0700 … until I remembered the holiday, and that no Feds were working (and clogging my drive) as a result. Win!

    The morning keynote was given by Mikey Dickerson, head of the USDS. He spoke on the challenges of (his first Federal engagement), and being called back to head up the new US Digital Service. Mikey is a neat, genuine guy who has assembled a team of technologists who are making a difference in government services. Excellent keynote, fun guy.

    I took a hallway track break for the next hour and a half – catching up with folks I hadn’t seen in a couple of years.

    After lunch, I attended first a talk by George Wilson on current state of the art for OpenZFS. ZFS is an awesome filesystem that was built by Sun (Yay!), then closed by Oracle (Boo!). OpenZFS took off as a fork of the last OpenSolaris release, some years ago. Since then it’s been at the core of IllumOS and other OpenSolaris-derived operating systems, as well as FreeBSD and other projects. I’m a huge fan of ZFS, and it’s always good to learn more about successes, progress, and pitfalls.

    Then I sat in on Nicole Forsgren’s talk: My First Year at Chef: Measuring All the Things. Nicole is a smart, smart person, and left a tenure-track position to join Chef last year. She brought her observational super-powers and statistics-fu to bear on all the previously unmeasured things at Chef, and learned lots. Chef let her tell us (most of) what she learned, which is also awesome. The key take-away: Learn how to measure things, set goals, and measure progress. Excellent!

    After dinner up the street at Zoo Bar and Grill with Chas and Peter, I attended the annual LOPSA business meeting. I didn’t stay for the LOPSA BoF in the bar upstairs, since my steam was running out and I was driving, not staying at the hotel.

    Thursday, 11/12

    Christopher Soghoian provided the frankly depressing Thursday morning keynote: Sysadmins and Their Role in Cyberwar: Why Several Governments Want to Spy on and Hack You, Even If You Have Nothing to Hide. Seriously. Chris is the Chief Technologist for the ACLU, and his “war” stories are hair-raising. We’re all targets, because we run systems that might let the (good|bad|huh?) guys get to other people. All admins are targets, not of opportunity, but of collateral access. Sigh. Sigh. Good talk, wish it wasn’t needed.

    The morning talk I attended was about Sysdig, using it to monitor cloud and container environments. Presented by Gianluca Borello, I found that sysdig is a tool I really should learn more about.

    In the afternoon, I spent some time in the Vendor Expo area, catching up with people and learning about the products that they think are important to my demographic. I was going to attend a mini-tutorial later in the afternoon called Git, Got, Gotten on using git for sysadmin version control … but by the time I got to the room it was SRO. So I bailed out way early (skipping the in-hotel conference evening reception – I expected a disappointment following last year’s wonderful event at the EMP Museum), unwound, and got a good night’s sleep.

    Friday, 11/13

    I started the day with Jez Humble of Chef, who talked to the big room about Lean Configuration Management. An excellent talk on, among other things, what tools from the Dev side of the aisle we can use on the Ops side. Jez is an excellent speaker, and he brings up a good point about how the data points to high-performing IT groups as being a driver of innovation AND profit.

    My second morning session was Lightweight Change Control Using Git, by George Beech of Stack Overflow. A big hunk of time was given to what’s wrong, before progressing into the organization of managing configs and processes with version control, explicitly git. Good talk.

    After lunch, I spent a couple of hours on the hallway track, since there was nothing that really called out my name in the formal program. And for the closing keynote … well, I decided to beat the Friday traffic out of the district instead. But the presentation has been made available already – it’s here: It Was Never Going to Work, So Let’s Have Some Tea, by James Mickens of Harvard. You can watch it with me.

    Thanksgiving and stuff

    It was a good week, though I did work on Friday. Thanksgiving Day was a nice quiet day at home. Pancakes and espresso in the morning. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, apple pie, … other stuff, I think … through the late afternoon and evening. Food coma #FTW, with lots of leftovers. We called and talked to family in lots of places, and that was fun, too. The weekend has been catching up on chores, putting up the Christmas crap, and roasting coffee.

    Fallen Warriors

    DoD reported no new casualties in the last week.

  • 2015 Nov 22

    This last week, we saw a brand new play, Poe, staged at the Reynolds Tavern by the Annapolis Shakespeare Company. An excellent show, good food, and a wonderful evening. How can I tell that a new play is wonderful? It leaves me wanting to know more about the subject, and in awe of the actors plying their trade. The 1747 Pub in the basement of the Reynolds tavern is a great place for the work, too. Only two more nights, this week, so go if you can! We also had Linda and Mike over to supper and a game of Ticket to Ride last night. Otherwise it was a normal, if busy, week catching up from my conference week. Nothing too exciting to report.

    *      *      *

    DoD reported no new casualties in the last week. Ciao!