Category: Computers

  • 2015 Nov 29

    LISA 15 Report

    The LISA 2015 conference was held this year at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park, off Connecticut Avenue in north east DC. It’s 15 miles from home, but the best driving time I had was Wednesday (Veteran’s Day) morning, which took half an hour, and the worst was a bit over 1.5 hours, coming home in weeknight traffic, in the rain. It’s a nice venue, though I’ve never stayed there, only attended events.

    Saturday, 11/7

    Saturday night was badge pickup and opening reception. I attended that mostly to do a handoff of the give-away items for the LOPSA general business meeting. Because I’m local, I volunteered to be a drop ship site for stuff that arrived over the course of the month leading up to LISA. That evening, I made contact with LOPSA’s President, Chris Kacoroski (‘Ski’), and we grabbed a couple of other willing bodies and emptied out my trunk, which was chock-full of Lego kits, books, booth collateral, etc. An hour or two of chatting with early-arriving attendees, then I headed back home to get an early bedtime – I was facing a long week.

    Sunday, 11/8

    Sunday was the first of three consecutive days of tutorials. In the morning, I attended a half-day session presented by Chris McEniry on the topic of Go for Sysadmins. Go was developed at Google, and released under an open source license in 2009. To my eye, it combines some of the best features of C, Python, and Java (but the FAQ says that Pascal has a strong influence – it’s been a long, long time). With larger data sets to work with each passing year, a faster and better language seems to be a useful tool for the continuously learning system administrator, and Go provides that sort of tool. Chris was an excellent presenter, and his examples and supporting code were pertinent and useful. Effective? Yep, I want to learn more about Go … in my copious spare time.

    Sunday afternoon was all about Software Testing for Sysadmin Programs, presented by someone I’ve known for a few years now, Adam Moskowitz. Adam is a pleasant bloke, and like everyone at LISA, smart as all get out. He makes the valid point that all of the tools that we encourage our programmers to use, from version control to testing and deployment automation, belong in our toolbox as well. And for UNIX-ish sysadmins, lots of stuff is written in shell. Adam developed a suite of tools based on Maven, Groovy, and Spock, and gave us a working configuration to test code with. Impressive and useful. Now all I have to do is do it!

    In the evening, I hung out for a bit for what’s called the “Hallway Track”, which is all of the non-programmed activities from games to BoF (Birds of a Feather) sessions, to conversations about employers, recruiting, tools, and users. Always fulfilling, the hallway track.

    Monday 11/9

    On Monday, I over-committed myself. Caskey L. Dickson was putting on a full-day tutorial on Operating System Internals for Administrators (a shortened version of the actual title). I attended the morning session of that, which was awesome. One would suspect that hardware is so fast that it just doesn’t matter so much anymore. But it turns out that such things as memory affinity in multi-socket, multi-core systems can have significant performance impacts if the load isn’t planned well. And while storage is getting faster, so are busses and networks. The bottlenecks keep moving around and we can’t count on knowing what to fix without proper metrics. Caskey presents an excellent tutorial, it’s actually in some senses a pre-requisite for  the Linux Performance Tuning tutorial that Ted Ts’o does (I’ve attended that in years past). I would have stuck around for the second half day of Internals, but…

    Instead, I attended a half-day tutorial  called systemd, the Next-Generation Linux System Manager. Presented by Alison Chaiken, I learned a lot about the latest generation of system manager software that’s taken over from the System V init scripts model that’s ruled for the last few decades. While change is always a PITA, and there are definitely people who vehemently dislike systemd, I find that (A) I have to use it in my work, so I should learn more; and (B) there are features that I really quite like. Alison knows a lot about the software and the subject, and helped me understand where I needed to fill in the gaps in my systemd education.

    Tuesday 11/10

    For me, Tuesday was all about Docker. Until not that long ago, I’d have been managing one service (or suite of services) on a given piece of hardware. Programs ran on the Operating System, which ran on the hardware, which sat in the rack in the data center, mostly idle but with bursts of activity. Always burning electricity, and needing cooling, a growing workload meant adding new racks, more cooling, more electric capacity. In the last decade, virtualization has taken the data center by storm. Where once a rack full of 2U servers (2U stands for the vertical space that the server takes up in the rack – most racks have 42 U {units} of space, and servers most commonly are 1, 2 or 4 U) sat mostly idling, we now have a single more powerful 2U or 4U server that runs software like VMware’s ESXi hypervisor, Microsoft’s Hyper-V, or Xen/KVM running on a Linux host. On “top” of those hypervisors, multiple Operating System installs are running, each providing their service(s) and at much higher density. Today’s high-end 2U server can provision as much compute capacity as a couple of racks worth of servers from 5-10 years ago. It’s awesome.

    But that’s so … yesterday. Today, the new hotness is containers, and Docker is the big player in containers right now. The premise is that running a whole copy of the OS just to run a service seems silly. Why not have a “container” that just has the software  and configurations needed to provide the service, and have multiple containers running on a single OS instance, physical or virtualized. The density of services provided can go up by a factor of 10 or more, using containers. It’s the new awesome!

    I don’t have to use Docker or containers in my current situation, but that day may come, and for once I’d like to be ahead of the curve. So in the morning, I attended Introduction to Docker and Containers, presented by Jerome Petazzoni, of Docker. Dude seriously knows his stuff. But I’ve never attended a half-day tutorial that had more than 250 slides before, and he got through more than 220 of them in the time at hand, while ALSO showing some quick demos. Amazingly, I wasn’t lost at the time. And I’ve got a copy so that I can go back through at my leisure. Containers launch quickly, just like Jerome’s tutorial. I think I learned a lot. But it’s still due for unpacking in my brain.

    In the afternoon, Jerome continued with Advanced Docker Concepts and Container Orchestration. Tools now regarded as stable (such as Swarm, which reached the 1.0 milestone a couple of weeks before the presentation) (grin) and Docker Compose were discussed and demonstrated to show how to manage scaling up and out. Another immense info dump, but I’m grateful I attended these tutorials. I think I learned a lot.

    In the evening, I hit up the Storage BoF put on by Cambridge Computers, and dropped into the Red Hat vendor BoF on the topic of Open Storage. A long day.

    Wednesday, 11/11

    Veteran’s Day dawned bright and sunny. Like each day of this week, I left the house at 0630. I was surprised, rolling into the parking garage at 0700 … until I remembered the holiday, and that no Feds were working (and clogging my drive) as a result. Win!

    The morning keynote was given by Mikey Dickerson, head of the USDS. He spoke on the challenges of (his first Federal engagement), and being called back to head up the new US Digital Service. Mikey is a neat, genuine guy who has assembled a team of technologists who are making a difference in government services. Excellent keynote, fun guy.

    I took a hallway track break for the next hour and a half – catching up with folks I hadn’t seen in a couple of years.

    After lunch, I attended first a talk by George Wilson on current state of the art for OpenZFS. ZFS is an awesome filesystem that was built by Sun (Yay!), then closed by Oracle (Boo!). OpenZFS took off as a fork of the last OpenSolaris release, some years ago. Since then it’s been at the core of IllumOS and other OpenSolaris-derived operating systems, as well as FreeBSD and other projects. I’m a huge fan of ZFS, and it’s always good to learn more about successes, progress, and pitfalls.

    Then I sat in on Nicole Forsgren’s talk: My First Year at Chef: Measuring All the Things. Nicole is a smart, smart person, and left a tenure-track position to join Chef last year. She brought her observational super-powers and statistics-fu to bear on all the previously unmeasured things at Chef, and learned lots. Chef let her tell us (most of) what she learned, which is also awesome. The key take-away: Learn how to measure things, set goals, and measure progress. Excellent!

    After dinner up the street at Zoo Bar and Grill with Chas and Peter, I attended the annual LOPSA business meeting. I didn’t stay for the LOPSA BoF in the bar upstairs, since my steam was running out and I was driving, not staying at the hotel.

    Thursday, 11/12

    Christopher Soghoian provided the frankly depressing Thursday morning keynote: Sysadmins and Their Role in Cyberwar: Why Several Governments Want to Spy on and Hack You, Even If You Have Nothing to Hide. Seriously. Chris is the Chief Technologist for the ACLU, and his “war” stories are hair-raising. We’re all targets, because we run systems that might let the (good|bad|huh?) guys get to other people. All admins are targets, not of opportunity, but of collateral access. Sigh. Sigh. Good talk, wish it wasn’t needed.

    The morning talk I attended was about Sysdig, using it to monitor cloud and container environments. Presented by Gianluca Borello, I found that sysdig is a tool I really should learn more about.

    In the afternoon, I spent some time in the Vendor Expo area, catching up with people and learning about the products that they think are important to my demographic. I was going to attend a mini-tutorial later in the afternoon called Git, Got, Gotten on using git for sysadmin version control … but by the time I got to the room it was SRO. So I bailed out way early (skipping the in-hotel conference evening reception – I expected a disappointment following last year’s wonderful event at the EMP Museum), unwound, and got a good night’s sleep.

    Friday, 11/13

    I started the day with Jez Humble of Chef, who talked to the big room about Lean Configuration Management. An excellent talk on, among other things, what tools from the Dev side of the aisle we can use on the Ops side. Jez is an excellent speaker, and he brings up a good point about how the data points to high-performing IT groups as being a driver of innovation AND profit.

    My second morning session was Lightweight Change Control Using Git, by George Beech of Stack Overflow. A big hunk of time was given to what’s wrong, before progressing into the organization of managing configs and processes with version control, explicitly git. Good talk.

    After lunch, I spent a couple of hours on the hallway track, since there was nothing that really called out my name in the formal program. And for the closing keynote … well, I decided to beat the Friday traffic out of the district instead. But the presentation has been made available already – it’s here: It Was Never Going to Work, So Let’s Have Some Tea, by James Mickens of Harvard. You can watch it with me.

    Thanksgiving and stuff

    It was a good week, though I did work on Friday. Thanksgiving Day was a nice quiet day at home. Pancakes and espresso in the morning. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, apple pie, … other stuff, I think … through the late afternoon and evening. Food coma #FTW, with lots of leftovers. We called and talked to family in lots of places, and that was fun, too. The weekend has been catching up on chores, putting up the Christmas crap, and roasting coffee.

    Fallen Warriors

    DoD reported no new casualties in the last week.

  • LISA15

    The LISA 15 conference is in full swing. I was up at 0600, and on the road at 0630. People to see and things to do before two half-day tutorials today: Go for SysAdmins, and Software Testing for Sysadmin Programs. Both were interesting and potentially useful and applicable to my work. Tomorrow, I’m doing the System Internals course, but if there is too much overlap with Ted Ts’o’s course from last year, then I’ll bail at midday and attend the Systemd tutorial in the afternoon. Tuesday I’ve got a couple more tutorials on tap, followed by three days of conference talks, BoFs, and evening meetings. Busy, excellent week ahead. I’m tired already, just thinking about it.

    Yep, I’m going to learn a lot,  but really, the best part for me is seeing all these wonderful folks that I only cross paths with once a year at best. I’m quite thankful for that part of this event.

    *      *      *

    DoD announced no new casualty reports during the last week, for which I am grateful. Ciao!

  • Kindle, revived?

    I have a 2012 Kindle touch. It’s been my bedside reader, light and easy on the eyes as I wind down from the day. I think it’s a better late-night device for me than a backlit screen device would be. However, week or so ago, I noticed that my kindle had stopped behaving. It wouldn’t turn on. Then it would, just to display a dialog box saying something about the application crashing or stopped or somewhat. I figured it was down on charge, so the next morning I put it on the charger and headed to work.

    That evening, with the status light green (full charge), I pressed the wake button: application crashing or stopped message, again. Sigh. Okay. I pressed and held the wake button for a long while, to execute a reset of the device. No joy. Upon re-awakening, no dialog, no wakie, no books, no nothing. Just a stock wallpaper. Hmmm.

    On the weekend, I popped the back off the Kindle and had a poke around. An easy to identify battery, with five screws. I know how to do a proper deep reset, thank you very much. Out came the battery, and out it stayed for a few hours. Then I reassembled it. Pressed the button, expecting a full resurrection. Nope. Blank screen, nothing. I set it to the side and walked away. I guess that three years and change out of a relatively inexpensive device was going to have to be good enough. I started thinking about how/what to replace it with.

    Last night when I got home from work, I caught sight of the display in the corner of my eye as I sat at my desk. The wallpaper was back! I pressed the wake button, and immediately got the stock battery nearly empty, plug me in dialog. So I did, and let it sit.

    Tonight: full charge, full function, and everything’s fine. I’m pleased.

  • Oddly Low-key Introduction

    If you play in Apple’s sandbox, you’ll know that today was release day for the latest version of OS X: El Capitan. For a variety of reasons, I decided to upgrade on release day (admittedly after pulling a full, bootable, copy of my system using my favorite tool for the purpose, SuperDuper! Highly Recommended!).  An hour or so to pull down the 6 GB download, another 30 minutes or so to apply the new OS, and my Mac Air was rebooting!

    Happily, I got a login prompt at the far end. That’s always a good start. I typed in the credentials, expecting a splash screen all about El Capitan, OS X 10.11, and what insanely great things I had installed on my hardware. Well, um, no. Not as such. Credentials for iCloud – gotta enter them, even though I barely use iCloud. Then I was regaled with legalia – four different many-page things on privacy, etc that I was to pretend I agreed to. I “agreed.” Now, surely, on to the good stuff…

    Well, um, no. Not at all. For some reason, the system just dropped onto my desktop, with the VPN prompting me for credentials, a copy of Word opened (weird, haven’t had to use Word on this box in months), and a dialog telling me that Mail had failed to upgrade, click to continue. So I did, and boom. Error message and close. No Mail for you. Well, fine, I use Thunderbird anyway, but I restarted Mail to get that refresh done. 15 minutes later, all good. So I shut down, started up, and logged back in … Now, surely, I can have lights and music and frighteningly good looking young people in videos telling me about my new OS… Nope.

    #WTF, Apple. Losing your touch, much?

    The new OS is “working”, I suppose. I haven’t found anything broken yet (having hardly looked). Not breaking anything would be sort of the minimum bar, I guess. But what’s the upgrade? Or, more pointedly, “Where’s the beef?” Yes, that ad for Wendy’s came out the same year as that wonderful Ridley Scott-directed Apple Mac 1984 advertisement. Where. Is. Beef?

    Apple, you’re welcome to reply in the comments…

  • About

    Carl Sanders wrote:

    Was wondering why was down.

    The registration for the site expired on 23 September 2015. It’s in limbo for a while, then it’ll go on the block. was a domain purchased by, and leading to a website designed by, and originally maintained by Tom Syroid, back in September 1999. By sometime around the mid-naught’ies, Tom dropped off the Internet, and with few exceptions, has not resurfaced. A few times we tried to get the site registration transferred from his name (and with difficulty, since the email address he registered with exists no more), so that we could transfer it to a less-expensive registrar than Network Solutions. Those efforts failed. So, over the years, as often as not, I’ve footed the bill to keep that site up and alive. I only find out it is expiring when someone asks, because I’m not any of the registered people.

    So …

    1. I used to be able to go to the NSI site and renew without logging in. That appears to not be the case any longer.
    2. There is still, which is nearly identical in content, and I am the registrant, and continue to foot that bill.
    3. If someone wishes to figure out how to pay NSI to renew the site, go for it. I’ll continue the hosting – that’s very little effort.

    So there you go.

  • Ch-ch-changes

    Computational changes, at least…

    During the past week, I migrated all of the public sites (including this one) from a machine running Scientific Linux (SL) 6 (an RHEL respin out of CERN), and onto a different box running FreeBSD 10.2. I did this for a couple of reasons.

    First, SL6 was pretty slow to get updates from Red Hat and rebrand them, and release them to the world. I’d initially gone with SL because CentOS was suffering that problem. Then CentOS was picked up directly by Red Hat, and has become much more responsive. But I was ready for something different.

    Reason the second: I’ve been running FreeBSD at home as my main system OS for a while now, and bringing the public-facing machine into the same venue seems appropriate. I’ve got a good handle on the security thing, and I like that it’s a well-maintained but lower-profile-than-Linux OS. I also especially like that I’m running on ZFS, which is a rockstar among file systems.

    So that all got done during the week. Then, today, I replaced the D-Link gateway/router with an Intel i5 NUC device running Sophos UTM Home Edition. It’s a full-featured firewall with AV, web filtering and inspection, IPS, etc. And it’s free for home use. It’s a far more secure edge device than any consumer-grade router/gateway, with better logging and a huge feature set. That said, I’ve got … issues with the selected hardware platform. The NUC has but one network interface, so the second is a USB Ethernet device and it’s unstable. I’ve had to setup a scheduled job to refresh the hardware every couple of minutes to pick it up, dust it off, and start it running again, when it falls over. Which it’s doing. I may change the hardware on this sooner rather than later.

    In between computer and networking gear swappage, I spent Saturday washing cars and doing yardwork. It’s been a tiring weekend, and I’m glad it is winding down. I can relax tomorrow at work!

    *      *      *

    DoD announced no new casualties during the last week. Ciao!

  • Mailing list etiquette, updated

    I am pleased to report that the Contact Conference mailing list owner got back to me, pleasantly and quickly, apologetically acknowledging the faux pas. One can merely hope that others will pay heed. Mailing list membership should always be recipient-instigated, and double-opt-in.

    If you’re going to Contact, btw, I’m jealous. Just sayin’ …

  • Mailing list etiquette…

    7 zillion years ago (Internet time) – aka 2002 – I attended the Contact Conference at NASA Ames. It was wonderful, made sad only by the fact that a part of it was a memorial for Poul Anderson. Niven, Pournelle, Vinge, and many others were in attendance as well.

    However, enjoying a conference over 13 years ago does not excuse the email I received today:

    Welcome to the [Contact-conference AT listsDOTcontact-conferenceDOTorg] mailing list! …

    My reply to the list owners went something like this:

     I should never, ever, ever, get a Welcome to… email from Mailman without first subscribing on my own. A *good* option would have been to send ONE email to all of the recoverable members of the old list, asking if they’d like to subscribe to the new list, and provide a URL for that purpose.

    I’ve already unsubscribed myself, thanks, but you should consider sending an apology to the rest of the list, and provide clear, simple-to-understand instructions for unsubscribing to help those new list members who, like me, really didn’t want to be on a mailing list just because they attended a Contact conference a decade or more ago.

    Just because it’s the Internet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be considerate.

    Sigh. It’s not hard, people. Mailing list etiquette has been cast in concrete for ages…

  • Magic Blue

    Or some silly color name like that. Anyway, that’s the exterior color of Marcia’s new car. She decided that hauling around her quilting friends and her quilting stuff in a low-slung, two door convertible was getting less and less convenient. So after driving a few different vehicles, she ended up with a Volvo V60T5 – one of their little sport wagons. Nice lines, I think, and she’s happy, which is a good thing.

    I’ve spend a number of hours this weekend working on a project for $OFFICE, and got the front yard brown stuff mowed a bit flatter, too. Mostly brown, anyway: we’re hoping for some more rain sooner or later. We wrapped up June with about 14 inches of rain, which is about 4 month’s worth. Since then, only a couple of inches all told, and everything is dry. The trees are dropping leaves, too.

    In entertainment news, Marcia and I are watching the modern Doctor Who series front to back, working on catching up to today by sometime in the middle of the coming current season. We started off with Eccleston’s 2005 doctor, and we’re a couple of episodes into Tennant run. Additionally, I finished a play-through of Witcher 3. Fun game.

    Labor Day weekend here, so tomorrow’s a day off, and I plan on doing not much of anything, if I have any say in the matter. Wish me luck with that.

    *      *      *

    DoD has reported no new casualties in the last week. Ciao!

  • Tiring

    It was a good week. I pulled out another five gallons of mostly tomatoes on Tuesday, and made a pot of red sauce with most of them. Others I took to work and assorted other Friends of Tomatoes. Then there was Saturday…

    Saturday started off with Marcia having decided that since she had terrible luck fishing at Centennial  Lake, nearby, we should BOTH go, early on a Saturday. Early, in my case, meant waking up not before seven – it was a long week. So, out of the house before eight, and at the water’s edge casting by about 0830. This, however, pissed Marcia off righteously:

    A small bass on my second cast
    A small bass on my second cast

    Yeah. Marcia still has caught nothing but weeds at Centennial, but now at least we know there’s fish there.

    Once back home, a bit before noon, I got out into the back yard and pulled in TWO bloody five gallon buckets of mostly tomatoes. Here’s what the haul looked like after I’d washed it up:

    Ten gallons of veggies
    Ten gallons of veggies

    The pyramid of larger tomatoes on the left has already been rendered into another full pot of red sauce, including sage, rosemary, and thyme (also from the garden). The only other ingredients in the pot of sauce are a couple of diced yellow onions and a head of garlic, minced, some olive oil, and about a teaspoon of salt. The whole house smells of delicious right now.

    Last night was work: about five hours of supporting onsite network upgrades that got me home about 0245 this morning. But the work was, in the end, successful. So we’ve got that going for us.

    Today: shopping, replacing a broken faucet, working on that red sauce, and still to come: a haircut.

    *      *      *

    DoD announced no new casualties in the last week. Ciao!