Category: Beware of Leopard

This is the catch-all category.

  • Prior Art on Censorship

    /. pointed me at

    Google Patents Censorship Of ‘Annoying’ Content

    I point at my email killfile as Prior Art. I point at my BIND configuration that has doubleclick and other fine purveyors of flickering content resolve to as Prior Art. I can block annoying content. Blocking annoying content “with a computer” isn’t patent-worthy, IMO.

  • Registration not required

    We’ll see how comments go when registration isn’t required. I’m getting registrations from Poland, which frankly feels like a spamming setup to me, so wait and see. Oh, I’ve deleted those Polish registrations, and I’m going to setup registration moderation. Logins make it easier for posting for registered users, and I still recommend that for people that care to comment.

    Be well, as Syroid used to say.