Category: School

  • Myth

    My first class this Fall session is a last GER class, this one about myths and (mostly) Mythology. Frankly, it’s an agony for me, because my interpretation is that Myth is fiction that has outstayed its welcome. Sure, they’re compelling stories and all that, and as such useful for modern novelists and filmmakers to retread such stories and distribute them as “content” (a word I despise) to the cattle of our consumer society. They’re especially good for that because people aren’t educated nearly as well anymore. But analysis of myth, and and the making up of whole cultures, a whole WORLD full of cultures around some artifacts from pre-literate peoples seems a byzantine exercise in group flagellation, one that’s been going on for neigh unto 150 years.

    It’s true for me that Mythology (the study of myth: that is, making up stuff about made-up stuff) is something I can regard as a victimless crime. It doesn’t generally do anyone else any harm. If your field is Mythology, then you’re not doing something really detrimental to society, like running an HOA, or making pointless laws at any level. But you’re not doing any good, either. What does your work bring to the table, at the end of the day?

    “Ooooh, yah. Today we decided that Joseph Cambell’s work is a bunch of crap, because he wrote about heroes instead of heroines, and well, he’s a man.”

    Nobody’s said that in my class, but I get the sense from my readings that that sort of person who might say such a thing is lurking in every corner, in this field of study. In the meantime I’m trying to accomplish the assigned tasks without understanding the language the questions are asked in.

    For example, #WTF is a “cultural process of transforming myths”?

    Those are all English words, yet I don’t know what that means. I could answer a question with those words in it, but I have no idea whether I’ve address the issue in the sense the query was meant. I look for that phrase in my book. It isn’t there. I looked for the phrase in my online course resources – not there, either. But this gem is: “The study of myth was transformed into the systematic production of knowledge—the science of mythology”. </snort> Science?

    Finally, I’m not getting enough feedback from the right places to help me be successful in this class. Yeah, that’s a whinge, so be it. I’m having to work my ass off to get answers partly right, and get NO useful data back to make my next foray more successful. This isn’t learning, that isn’t teaching (or even instructing), it’s just an institution parting students from their money, which is a darn shame.

    I may tank in this class (which is Brian-code for anything less than an `A`), and that frustrates me, too. I’d dump this class, if it weren’t for the fact that it’s my second-to-last class in my last session. I’m going to survive this and move on, but I’m angry that I have to endure a class where nothing is taught.

  • Tired of School Brian is Tired…

    There goes the weekend. I spent much of it trying to stub out the next 6 weeks of work for the Myth in the World class that I had to take. Why so much? Because the bibliography is due first! #WTF ??? Sigh. While this class is interesting, frankly it’s a waste of my time. And now they want me to do my own plagiarism submissions? Can I give myself my own grades, too? I pay more, I get less, and I have to do their work for them. I *almost* wish I’d done more classes at a time, earlier, so that I’d have been done before some of this lunacy started.

    Tomorrow, work at the office in the morning, then more schoolwork and chores back here for the rest of the day.

    *      *      *

    Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

    • Sgt. Christopher J. Birdwell, 25, of Windsor, Colorado, died Aug. 27, in Kalagush, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered from enemy small arms fire.
    • Spc. Mabry J. Anders, 21, of Baker City, Oregon, died Aug. 27, in Kalagush, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered from enemy small arms fire.
    • Staff Sgt. Jessica M. Wing, 42, of Glenburn, Maine, died Aug. 27, in Kuwait City, Kuwait in a non-combat related incident.
  • Getting Things Done

    But not GTD in the larger sense. But getting things done, lower case: I shaved the lawns yesterday, front and back. I did a bit of weeding in the garden, also. And today, I find that for the second summer session class, I ended up 1 point shy of an ace, out of 500. Yes, absolutely where I should have been for a class on UNIX and shell scripting. But now just two classes to go! Huzzah!

    *      *      *

    Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

    • Staff Sgt. Brandon R. Pepper, 31, of York, Pennsylvania, died July 21, in Ghazni province, Afghanistan.
    • Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael J. Brodsky, 33, of Tamarac, Florida, died July 21 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Landstuhl, Germany, of injuries sustained July 7 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, related to a dismounted improvised explosive device blast.
    • Pfc. Julian L. Colvin, 21, of Birmingham, Alabama, died July 22 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from an enemy improvised explosive device.
    • Staff Sgt. Richard L. Berry, 27, of Scottsdale, Arizona, died July 22 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from an enemy improvised explosive device.
    • Sgt. Eric E. Williams, 27, of Murrieta, California, died July 23, in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan.
    • Pfc. Adam C. Ross, 19, of Lyman, South Carolina, died July 24, in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when he encountered small arms fire.
    • Spc. Justin L. Horsley, 21, of Palm Bay, Florida, died July 22 of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked their unit in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan, with an improvised explosive device.
    • Pfc. Brenden N. Salazar, 20, of Chuluota, Florida, died July 22 of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked their unit in Pul-E Alam, Afghanistan, with an improvised explosive device.
    • Sgt. Justin M. Hansen, 26, of Traverse City, Michigan, died July 24 while conducting combat operations in Badghis province, Afghanistan.
    • Pfc. Theodore M. Glende, 23, of Rochester, New York, died July 27, in Kharwar, Logar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small-arms fire.
  • Too Early Hot

    It’s not July yet, and we nearly cracked 100°F this week. Yowza!

    Small amounts of yardwork this weekend (no mowing needed since it’s so freaking hot), and shedloads of schoolwork going on. By CoB yesterday, I’d gotten all of this week’s assignments submitted.

    Today I started on the Big Bad for the summer session, an “Authentic Assessment” for the database capstone course. It’s going to be the equivalent of an entry page and 16 data display and/or modification programs (show, add, delete, or modify for four different tables in the database), and it’s due in 2 weeks from today. I made a huge dent in it, getting ALL of the display functionality done, and implementing the POST logic for getting to the Mod servlets for each table. Once I write one of those, it should be easy to generalize to the others.

    Yeah, servlets. I’m using Java and Glassfish for this assignment. The best reason I can give for this choice is that it’s not ASP.NET, and it’s not the crufty PHP I’d have to deal with instead. That and it’s most relevant to the environments I support at work, so that’s a good thing, too.

    *      *      *

    Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

    • Pfc. Jarrod A. Lallier, 20, of Spokane, Washington, died June 18 in Zharay, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when individuals in Afghan Police uniforms turned their weapons against his unit.
    • 1st Lt. Ryan D. Rawl, 30, Lexington, South Carolina, died June 20, in Khowst province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire and an improvised explosive device.
    • Sgt. 1st Class Matthew B. Thomas, 30, Travelers Rest, South Carolina, died June 20, in Khowst province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire and an improvised explosive device.
    • Spc. John D. Meador II, 36, Columbia, South Carolina, died June 20, in Khowst province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire and an improvised explosive device.
    • Sgt. Jose Rodriguez, 22, of Gustine, California, died June 19, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from enemy small arms fire.
    • Lance Cpl. Eugene C. Mills III, 21, of Laurel, Maryland, died June 22 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
  • Garden Progress

    Moving right along, I managed to take a picture this evening as the clouds started rolling back in. Here’s the state of the garden today:

    Garden, 15 May 2012
    Garden, 15 May 2012

    The potatoes are coming in nicely, as are all the other plants. The snow peas … they’re in production. I’m pulling a meal’s worth out every two days, and they’re barely started yet.

    *      *      *

    School is started too, and for grins, the first project in CMIS 485, the capstone course for databases, involves PHP and an Access database. Yeah, Access. Whatever. I’ve mostly completed the design of the required tables based upon the ERD, and I’ve got one question into the instructor about apparently duplicated fields. Beyond that, I’m going to roll as fast as I can in this class, getting ahead before the next class starts in three weeks from yesterday.

  • School and Lexi

    First, Lexi … She’s a dog who epitomizes dogness, especially in the napping department. But when it comes to bed neatness, well, it’s not her long suit. This bed had been made, before Lexi decided to climb back in for a late afternoon nap:

    Lexi vs. the bedding
    Lexi vs. the bedding

    You say, no, that’s not Lexi … You’re the slob, Brian. Not so. See:

    Lexi uncovered
    Lexi uncovered

    But she’s not very good at looking guilty, is she?

    *      *      *

    When all was said and done with the PeopleSoft upgrade of MyUMUC, many things were broken. THANKS, UMUC! For one thing, my instructor from the Software Engineering course has been unable to submit grades, so I don’t have my grade to submit for reimbursement. Grrr. THANKS, UMUC!

    Worse, the student advising tool, designed to help people figure out what courses need to be taken to finish up their degree is now both less useful, and a big fat liar. It’s less useful because it is a dramatic departure from the prior interface, which worked just fine, thanks. In the name of modern web technology, they’ve made a dynamic Ajax-y crap pile.

    The big fat liar part comes in here: The answers that the former advising tool gave are different than the new tool. WTF? Now what? THANKS, UMUC! I called on Wednesday, they said that they knew it was broken, and it’d be fixed in a week or two. I have an idea. Don’t release BROKEN CRAP SOFTWARE that tens of thousands of students rely on for information and advice. THANKS, UMUC! You can have my idea for free … just act on it.

  • Training Week

    A week of intense training, VMware vSphere 5 Fast Track presented by Global Knowledge, is now done. I had the benefit of a great instructor: Scott South. But my brain is bursting with information about this latest update to the VMware product line.

    Also, Spring session at UMUC is almost done for me. I’ve got one paper-ish thing to write this weekend, and then wait for the ‘A’. Yeah, but I’m not just being smug: I’ve got 86 points going into this last week, and 12.5 points still to be graded, so it’s a reasonably certain ‘A’. Much more statistically sound than playing the bloody Lottery, which I also did, just because of this: You can’t lose if you don’t play.

    The reading stack
    The reading stack

    Why do I share this boring picture with you? This is what happens to me when school is in session. Stuff I want to read is stacked up way behind schoolwork, etc. There’s Make in there, woodworking mags, and much more. There’s also a virtual stack in the Kindle. I’m going to start at the top of the physical stack and unwind from training week this evening.

    I’ll do the schoolwork tomorrow, and probably some yardwork on Sunday. Ciao!

  • Good news, bad news

    The good news is twofold. First, my penultimate deliverable for the Software Engineering class is in the hopper – two sections (about 11 pages) of an SDMP document. One more week of reading and writing puts that class to bed.

    Second, it looks like my effort to finally purchase materials and get the cold frame built (see yesterday’s post) is going to pay off: we’re likely to see frosts Monday and Tuesday nights. With luck what I built protects what I’m growing.

    Third (yes, third, this is a bonus good thing, for some definition of good), I’ve got a week-long VSphere 5 boot camp training that I’m attending this upcoming week. It’s nearby, I won’t be away from home much early or later than normal working hours, and I’m going to learn a crapload about VMware to supplement what I already know from the environments I’ve worked with previously. The downside is that all of this piles into my brain while I’m trying to finish a very challenging UMUC class. Such is life – the next convenient training is months away.

    *     *     *

    Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

    • Sgt. Jamie D. Jarboe, 27, of Frankfort, Indiana, died March 21 in Topeka, Kan., from wounds suffered on April 10, 2011 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
    • Spc. Dennis P. Weichel Jr., 29, of Providence, Rhode Island, died March 22 in Laghman province, Afghanistan, from injuries suffered in a noncombat related incident.
  • Team Project DONE; Now, Lasers!

    I’ve been working like mad on a team project for my CMIS330 class, it’s due tonight, and happily, I think it’s done! I’ve got it out for review to the team members right now, and hell or high water I’m turning it in at 2100 EDT.

    It makes me want to build robots with Laser Eyes (thanks to JoCo) and loose them upon the world.

    *     *     *

    Our condolences to the familes, friends and units of these fallen warriors:

    • Staff Sgt. Jesse J. Grindey, 30, of Hazel Green, Wis., died March 12, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan.
    • Spc. Daquane D. Rivers, 21, of Marianna, Fla., died March 14, from injuries sustained in a non-combat related incident in Paktika province, Afghanistan.
    • 2nd Lt. Clovis T. Ray, 34, of San Antonio, Texas died Mar. 15 at Kunar province, Afghanistan of injuries suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.
  • I’ll rest when I’m dead

    I took off from work a couple of hours early on Friday.

    At that time, I was still feeling a bit off my feed – this whatever it is that isn’t a cold anymore has been kicking my ass. So I “took it easy” this weekend: I slept in past eight both days! Thanks, Lexi!!!

    After that, though, no rest for the wicked. I put in about 12 hours writing for both classes yesterday. Today: Shopping, washed the car, cleaned the dining room, weeded out the raised beds, and seeded/prepared for snow peas. Then I reviewed the writing I did yesterday, and submitted the assignment I could. The other one doesn’t have a class link for submission yet, argh! Now THAT’S frustrating.

    Oh, yeah, and the bug’s still got me, more’s the pity. Still plugging away with the antibiotics, fluids, and other OTC meds.

    *     *     *

    Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

    Maj. Robert J. Marchanti II, 48, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Feb. 25, from  wounds received during an attack at the Interior Ministry, Kabul, Afghanistan.

    On Feb. 25, the armed forces medical examiner at the Dover Port Mortuary in Dover, Del., positively identified the remains of Staff Sgt. Ahmed K. Altaie, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. On Dec. 11, 2006, a casualty review board declared Altaie “missing – captured” after his disappearance in Baghdad, Iraq on Oct. 23, 2006.

    Cpl. Conner T. Lowry, 24, of Chicago, Illinois, died March 1 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

    Staff Sgt. Jordan L. Bear, 25, of Denver, Colorado, died Mar. 1, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from small arms fire during an attack on his base.

    Pfc. Payton A. Jones, 19, of Marble Falls, Texas, died Mar. 1, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from small arms fire during an attack on his base.