• LOPSA East 2014

    The League of Professional Systems Administrators (LOPSA) puts on an east coast conference each Spring. We just finished up LOPSA East 2014 last night. An excellent two days of technical training, invited talks, and superb keynote speakers. I’d say that in terms of technical conferences, it’s the best value for money around. You’ll be hearing a lot more about that from me for the next couple of years. Why? It appears that I have volunteered to shadow the Program Chair next year, and be the Program Chair for LOPSA East 2016. Woo hoo! I’ll have a better write-up on this year’s event in a couple of days, when I’ve caught up on my sleep.

    Today I drove home, unpacked, started the laundry, and went out to do the shopping. Back from that, I mowed the lawns front and back … then vegetated for the balance of the day. Tomorrow I’ll retrieve Lexi from boarding at the veterinarian, and we’ll wait for Marcia to come home from Michigan later this week. Plenty of stuff to keep busy with around here, as I’m taking this whole week off from work.

    *      *      *

    Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:

    • Pfc. Christian J. Chandler, 20, of Trenton, Texas, died April 28 in Baraki Barak District, Logar province, Afghanistan, when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
    • Sgt. Shawn M. Farrell II, 24, of Accord, New York, died April 28, in Nejrab District, Kapisa province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire.
  • Rain, not purple.

    In the last 30 hours, 3.25″ of rain. Another inch or so due tonight, so lovely. This part of the world is waterlogged. Lexi *hates* going out in the wet, but all of life is worth taking another nap…

    Lexi ready to nap
    Lexi ready to nap
  • Nothing to see here

    Then why post, might you ask? Well you might. But sometimes, “nothing” is good. For instance, I’ve nothing to report from DoD for the week past. That’s good – no reported casualties.

    There’s been no frost, so none of the veggies I’ve planted are dead. That’s good. Also, I made the lawns flat this weekend, and got a bit of work done at the office on the virtualization infrastructure … neither of which is “nothing”. But lawns are boring, and by policy I can’t discuss details of work. So … pretty much nothing to see there.

    *      *      *

    Someone wants lots of flashing lights near schools for child safety. Sigh. Virtually everyone I grew up with was safe, and we didn’t have much in the way of flashing lights, or school buses with 10 mile visibility exclusion zones. Much better to do two things: one – teach kids to pay attention again. Two – kill a kid on purpose or by accident: Death penalty, fast lane. Result: safety and road courtesy. Seriously. It wouldn’t take too many public executions, well publicised with cheering parents all round to bring most drivers to their senses. The rest would end up victims of Papa Darwin.

    This is nothing new from me. I’ve been a crusty, get-off-my-lawn type since I was 4 years old. Enough nothing. Ciao!

  • 0x35

    Another birthday done. Whew. I “celebrated” by taking the day off, aka working in the garden: planting and fettling.

    2014 garden 3/4 planted
    2014 garden 3/4 planted

    It was a good day for working in the yard, about 15°C. Three quarters of the plants are in. Lots of tomatoes, some cucumber and zucchini, and habañero peppers. More peppers are needed, and potatoes need starting. The herbs are still pending in the small bed near the house. I got the watering system setup and running, and finished up by getting some bird discouragement netting over the snow peas and young cherry tomato plants. The birds have been slaughtering my snow peas, and they’d have done the same to the cherry tomatoes, too.

  • Ishtar. Easter. Spring.

    It is said by historians that the ancient celebration of the Sumerian goddess Ishtar was co-opted by Christianity to wean the pagans from their happy sex and fertility holiday. All I know is that I couldn’t do the weekly food shopping because the store was closed for Easter Sunday. Hmmm.

    Still a chore-filled weekend, though. Mostly yardwork and car washing yesterday, with dusting, vacuuming, and laundry filling the Sunday. Pretty damn boring, truth be told.

    *      *      *

    Our condolences to the family and friends of Specialist Danyluk.

    • Spc. Kerry M. G. Danyluk, 27, of Cuero, Texas, died April 15 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, of injuries sustained April 12 when enemy forces attacked his unit with small arms fire in Pul-e-Alam, Logar province, Afghanistan.
  • I ain’t Rocky…

    Stallone’s director made getting in shape look like a snap in the Rocky movies. Me, I’m doing well with the elliptical, and for a moment over the weekend I was below 230. I’ve not been that weight in better than a decade. Today:

    A good run
    A good run

    A good run (for me) – 6000 strides in under 50 minutes. Ciao!

  • This is my belly …

    Would you scratch it for me? Lexi is *such* an attention hound.
    Would you scratch it for me?

    I’d trade her in on a working dog, especially one that does house-cleaning. But Lexi is so darned cute.

    *      *      *

    Today, shopping, and more yardwork. I finished dismantling and bagging the junk on the concrete pad. I’ll arrange for a “large item” pickup from the trash provider sometime later this week. Very happy to have that done. I also dressed all of the garden beds with manure and leaf compost… and turned over three of them. I’ll knock out the rest later this week. Overall, I managed about 12 hours of yardwork, and that pleases me.

    Preparing for veggies
    Preparing for veggies

    *      *      *

    In the last week, DoD reported no casualties.

  • Spring Chores

    Spring cleaning extends to the outside of the house, too. I had a pile of stuff from the dismantling and rebuilding of the front fence last fall.

    Front Fence Demo Pile
    Front Fence Demo Pile

    Y’see, by the time the fence had been rebuilt and the stain on the front-facing portions of the fence … well, ice and rain were falling out of the sky. So I left the pile for Spring. Now, it’s the time, so I took that pile, and amended my mulching/composting box. Now it looks like this:


    Mulching/Composting box
    Mulching/Composting box

    I constructed that atop the old, low (10″) box I’d previously used for the purpose. Now it looks like it has been here all along, since the fencing material used … has been. I’m pleased with the re-use of the material. However, all that was left has to go. So I broke it down and bagged it, leaving the space empty:

    Concrete pad much cleaner
    Concrete pad much cleaner

    At which point, broken but still dragging myself around, I remembered that I’d had a thousand or so pounds of bagged goods delivered into the driveway, and that needed moving in and stacking until I get around to working the garden beds and dressing the front beds. So I got out the wheelbarrow, and moved all the stuff in. Um, yay?

    Bagged red mulch, leaf compost, manure compost.
    Bagged red mulch, leaf compost, manure compost.

    I’m rather tired now. I think I’ll take the evening off … except for remote work: system patching tonight at 10. Ciao!

  • Sprung

    At least I think Spring has sprung. Of course, there was frost on the grass and rooftops this morning, and we have two more of those mornings in the forecast. But I did do some significant yardwork yesterday, clearing the winter debris and die-off from the front yard. I also did the early Spring fertilizing on the lawns.

    Also accomplished: not too damn much. I finished playing Bioshock Infinite, which was fun, even though I saw the ending coming from about a million miles away. Fun game, good story. Nice drive by on Rapture, right near the end, too.

    In celebration of TableTop Day yesterday, we played Scrabble ™ in the evening. Herself came very close to beating me both times. Lexi helped, too:

    Lexi helps with Scrabble
    Lexi helps with Scrabble

    *      *      *

    After  a wonderful month and a day without a casualty, DoD reported on April 4 that Capt. James E. Chaffin III, 27, of West Columbia, S.C., died April 1, in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of a non-combat related incident. Our condolences to his family and friends.