Yesterday that plant was FINE! Today, not so much, and I can’t tell why. Sigh. And it’s too wet (rain every day, nearly) which makes the tomatoes unhappy.
Shedloads of yardwork and housework yesterday, leading up to Linda Rose and Mike over for supper and a couple rounds of Ticket to Ride. Much fun had by all, good food, exhausting. I overslept this morning, so was shopping late, then working remotely on some patching late, and so on. I never really caught up.
Oh, hey, one bit of yummy: we had freshly killed zucchini from the garden with supper last night. Sliced, steamed, then sprinkled with Parmesan cheese: superb!
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Barbara Thompson’s dad died this morning. I had the honor of meeting this retired marine a few times, he was a kind bloke with a good sense of humor. Sad to see him go, but everything in its time. Goodbye, Dutch.
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The garden is progressing nicely, given the late spring. I’ve got tomato sets on nearly all the plants, the zucchini is starting to be productive, and I expect great things from the peppers and potatoes this year.
I got the lawns mowed after work, weeded a bit in the garden beds, and roasted some coffee this evening. Overall, a good day. Time to go, ciao!
The news leading into Thursday was designed to instill fear … only 10 times in the last 30 years (or was it 5 times in the last 10, but whatever) had the mid-Atlantic states had such a powerful storm prediction laid on in advance. I noted at the time that the article had neglected to mention the success rate of those prior predictions. I, however, predict that based on the overall low impact of these current storms on our area, the prior prediction success rate was also low. I indict the MSM as a messenger that tries to instill terror in our population.
Thursday I was in the District at a VMUG conference. I bailed out a bit early and got home in time to fire up the generator when the power went out – a tree had taken out a power line nearby. Two hours later, the power was back on. There had been a tornado, an EF0 that had been on the ground for a fair stretch, and damaged a few houses and cars by knocking trees over on them. Last year’s derecho was much, much worse than what we had this week. Oh, yeah, another tree fell in about the same place today, and we were power-out again for another two hours.
I got some more herbs installed this weekend in the garden, did a fair bit of weeding, and got the face frames and backs fabricated and installed on the last two cabinets, down in the woodshop.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Or both, as the case surely has been. In this back yard, we’ve had 4 inches of rain in the last four days. Locally around the area, lots more, I hear. But everything is pretty squelchy outside. It’ll be a few days before I can mow again… But the garden, it grows like topsy, and the first small tomatoes and peppers are making an appearance.
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Sorry for the delay. Saturday was building cabinet carcasses in the workshop. Early Sunday morning was upset gastric bits and lost sleep, followed by patching work at 0700. It turned out to be a distracted, dead day for me. Seemed like a good choice not to go back downstairs and work with fast-spinning bits of metal, so I didn’t. In the evening, issues at work kept me focused outside myself, but I missed being here. Today? Feeling better, resolved the technical difficulties, and made progress on a couple of projects.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Last year, instead of installing annuals at the post box, I put in some perennials. Frankly, they weren’t stellar … but they didn’t die. And they’ve come up wonderfully this year:
Next year, I’ll put some more here and there, and see if I can cut down further on the planting of annuals. I spread some of the tiger lilies over to the blue spruce island left of the driveway, but something ate the tops off of those this year, grrrrr! Anyway, I just stopped in to show off the pretty. Ciao!
I’ve been pretty good about weeding out the garden, while preserving volunteers for replanting around the beds. I’ve got three volunteer tomato plants and several peppers. I have no idea what specific variety of either is likely to result … but yummy is as yummy does. Here’s the garden in progress, from a couple of days ago:
As I write this, the wind is up, lightning all around, and rain the size of small hatchbacks is falling. The good news is that the garden is young. Big wind when the plants are large tends to blow things over, or even out of the raised beds altogether. The rain is good, though – the lawns are thirsty.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Those are unrelated topics, as the semicolon indicates. First (as my lovely Marcia points out), I neglected to point out to all and sundry that we celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary yesterday. We went out to Sly Horse Tavern for supper, to celebrate. It’s good to be happy, eh?
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Table done:
I brought the table bits halfway up, and setup on the lawn, to show how pretty this is in full light. Then I hauled it back inside and upstairs, and properly attached the top to the apron.
I’m nearly 80% done with this project. I’ve got two more base cabinets and a counter top to fabricate and install. Then the office is done. Yay!
A three day chore marathon, closing with the annual remembrance of those lost to us in active military service. I choose to be a bit more OCD about my duty to honor our losses. (Or, as @xeni noted the other day on twitter, CDO, because it SHOULD be alphabetized!)
Saturday: I got the table apron and legs completed and assembled:
Next on Saturday, but without any photographic evidence at this time, I got our hanging baskets populated and hung up on the front porch. The watering outlets are in the baskets, but that isn’t set up with a supply yet, that’s held for Monday.
Final Saturday task – I applied gel stain to both surfaces of the cherry table top, to even out the look of the wood:
Sunday was a power run: I did the shopping, then applied a first coat of polyurethane to the bottom of the table. I mowed the lawns, with a dog walk as the halftime show. I evened out the first coat of poly with #0000 steel wool and a bit of 320 grit sandpaper, vacuumed, cleaned, and dried, then applied a second coat of poly. I watered and weeded out back, and took a little break. I then prep’d the bottom one more time, and applied a third coat of poly. That’ll cure overnight, and I’ll flip the work piece and start coating the top surface tomorrow. That and watering system setup will fill my Memorial Day, as will my thoughts of our fallen warriors…
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team on the deaths of these fallen warriors:
I’m working on the table/desk now. It’s got the cherry top that you’ve seen in early construction phase here. Now I’m assembling the apron. I bought the table legs from Osborne Wood Products. They’d have sold me the apron, too, but I was already stocked on the materials I needed for this. On Friday I did all the cuts. Today I did some round-over routing of the lower edges, cut a groove for the table top clips, and assembled the apron:
The center stretchers are affixed with pocket screws. The angled pieces in the corners are glued and pinned – They will (eventually) have holes for hanger bolts from the legs for final assembly. Because I’m using the table saw as an assembly surface, I’m protecting small areas with wax paper. For a larger project, I’d drop on a piece of hardboard instead.
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Our condolences to the familes, friends, and units of these fallen warriors: