What happens when you put vegetables into your garden on the twelfth of May? You get a frost on the fourteenth of May, that’s what!
![Frost impact 2013MAY14](https://www.orbdesigns.com-content/uploads/2013/05/DSC_0842-300x253.jpg)
I lost just a few plants, not all of them … but seriously?
A big shout-out to Dan Seto, of Misc. Ramblings fame. He’s one of the infamous Daynotes Gang, joining (being joined? forced into Internet servitude?) the group shortly after I did, back in the earliest days of the new millenium (or possibly at the end of the last, I don’t have a precise record at hand). Dan stepped up to the plate and covered Daynotes.com‘s registration for the next couple of years, so we’re good most of the way through 2015! Thanks, Dan!
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I was amused to note that NetSol will let you spend nearly 3300$US online to “renew” a domain for an additional 100 year term. If you’re taking the long view, either personally or corporately, that might be a really good financial move. Gandi’s registration fees for the common TLDs are less than half what NetSol charges, but online you can only go up to 8 years for $124. GoDaddy runs just under 15$US per annum for renewal fees.
I bring up Gandi in that list above because I freed myself from GoDaddy’s increasingly interesting perspectives and issues. My biggest gripe with them was their support for Disney’s lobbying efforts on behalf of the MAFIAA’s legislative agenda, explicitly last year’s SOPA bill. It’s taken me a while to find the time to undertake the changes necessary, but I completed that journey yesterday, migrating the last of the domains to Gandi. The web interface is much more pleasant, and when whois privacy and domain list selling opt-outs are factored in, they’re cheaper than GoDaddy, too.
Whoops! Time to walk the mutt. Ciao!
When I laid out the doors and shelves and such for finishing, there wasn’t room to leave the cabinet carcass in the woodshop and still have room to setup for roasting coffee. Coffee wins, so I dragged the carcass sections upstairs, assembled and temporarily loaded them up:
I ran out of time to get any more finishing done on the remaining pieces, sadly. I did get the main garden up and running today, though…
There’s 24 tomato plants, 12 pepper plants, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, etc. I still have to get the herb box cleared and up, as well as do the watering setup. For the next few days, I’ll hand water.
I’m still going to try to get Marcia’s sites migrated over to the new system tonight, before I fall over sideways.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
I got back this morning at about 11:30 following a fantastic LOPSA-East conference. I entertained such subjects as Tom Limoncelli’s Evil Genius 101, Kyle Fulton’s Automation in the Cloud with Puppet, Shumon Huque’s Using and Migrating to IPv6, and Matt Simmons’s Intro to SSDs. The Friday night keynote was delivered by Marcus Ranum of varied and interesting fame – his talk was funny, accurate, and depressing as hell. Just sayin’.
The New Brunswick Hyatt is venue for the conference, and it was excellent. The food was superb (in general, not just in the context of a tech conference), and the training rooms were well equipped. The LOPSA organizers are all awesome. #HighFives, y’all.
The 325i was a fine place to spend a few hours in driving up on Thursday afternoon, and back this morning. Four hundred miles round trip, and I got over 37 MPG. Wow!
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Well. not “black” as such, Rolling Stones songs notwithstanding. But I’ve managed to get finish (off-white, some walnut stain bodged onto the white for character, and dark teal) applied to all the bits of the cabinets. I’ve got a bit more “character” to apply to the face frames of the cabinets, then it’s time for polyurethane. Another few days at least…
It was a good five-day stint of woodworking and finishing, fun, really. I did take a break from that to shop, mow, and roast coffee (Nicaragua Finca Santa Helena Caturra, from Sweet Maria’s, of course) today, too.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Pfc. Barrett L. Austin, 20, of Easley, South Carolina, died April 21 in Landstuhl, Germany, of injuries sustained when his vehicle was attacked by an enemy improvised explosive device in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, April 17.
Capt. Aaron R. Blanchard, 32, of Selah, Washington, died April 23, in Pul-E-Alam, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from enemy indirect fire.
1st Lt. Robert J. Hess, 26, of Fairfax, Virginia, died April 23, in Pul-E-Alam, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered from enemy indirect fire.
Capt. Brandon L. Cyr, 28, of Woodbridge, Virginia, died April 27, near Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, in the crash of an MC-12 aircraft.
Capt. Reid K. Nishizuka, 30, of Kailua, Hawaii, died April 27, near Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, in the crash of an MC-12 aircraft.
Staff Sgt. Richard A. Dickson, 24, of Rancho Cordova, California, died April 27, near Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, in the crash of an MC-12 aircraft.
Staff Sgt. Daniel N. Fannin, 30, of Morehead, Kentucky, died April 27, near Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, in the crash of an MC-12 aircraft.
I turned 10base52 (not 1, sigh) this week, on Wednesday. So I took that day, and the next two, off work so that I could spend some quality time in the woodshop. I finished building all of the cabinet doors and inter-shelving, installed the cabinet backs, and tested all the hardware:
Then I pulled, bagged, and labeled all the hardware, and started applying finish to the small pieces:
Today, those get a top-coat of polyurethane and a bit of distressing. And I’ll start applying finish to the cabinet carcasses. At least that’s the plan. But the yard needs some attention, too. Hmmm…
Friday night surrounded by wind and rain, we played Scrabble. Turns out that there is a body part you can use to not just win, but dominate in this game:
Fertilized and rained on, the lawns demand an aggressive mowing schedule. The good news is that following Friday’s storms, the temps were down significantly, making the yardwork a lot less sweaty. I also made progress on the cabinet building in the woodshop, fabricating the perforated screen door for the computer cabinet.
All of the components for the lower cabinet are now done. I need to build a couple of intermediate shelves for the upper, and three more doors. Then I can sand and finish that, taking another week or two. Next up, the cherry and maple desk.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Chief Warrant Officer Matthew P. Ruffner, 34, of Tafford, Pennsylvania, died April 9, in Pachir Wa Agam District, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.
Chief Warrant Officer Jarett M. Yoder, 26, of Mohnton, Pennsylvania, died April 9, in Pachir Wa Agam District, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan.
Bruce Schneier says exactly the right thing about the explosions in Boston: The Boston Marathon Bombing: Keep Calm and Carry On in that article in The Atlantic. Remind your representatives in government of this sentiment.
Last weekend, spring cleaning. This weekend, yardwork, all weekend long. The front is all pruned up, and first mowing of the year done. Looks pretty good (but the front fence needs a full redo). Today, I spent as much energy as I had (several hours worth) weeding out and tilling the garden beds in preparation for spring planting. In the evenings this week, I’ll get the rest of the back yard cleaned up, too. At least then I’ll have a starting point for the rest of the spring work.
Upcoming: This is going to be an expensive week, since a rock thrown a considerable distance by a truck cracked my windshield beyond the trivial repair stage. I’ve also got router bits to purchase for the cabinet work, and a bit more maple, too. Have to keep going on the office redo, or I’ll still be “working on it” months from now.
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Our condolences to the families, friends, and units of these fallen warriors:
Staff Sgt. Christopher M. Ward, 24, of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, died April 6 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit in Zabul, Afghanistan with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.
Spc. Wilbel A. Robles-Santa, 25, of Juncos, Puerto Rico, died April 6 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit in Zabul, Afghanistan with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.
Spc. Delfin M. Santos Jr., 24, of San Jose, California, died April 6 in Kandahar, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit in Zabul, Afghanistan with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.